
Friday, December 11, 2015

Final Blog...

My journey here at Saint Pius X Catholic School has come to an end. I have been here for 8 years. What I enjoyed the most about being here was making new friends and making them memorable. I also enjoyed experiencing new things in what I learn and in what I do. I also try to achieve goals above and beyond my expected level. I will always treasure my memories here at Saint Pius X.

Friday, November 13, 2015


Today In Spanish we had to learn the introductions.  We also had to have a conversation with another class mate.  I chose to have a conversation with my mate Justin.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Kiwi sport Touch

Today was our third lesson of touch.  We started of with run and touch.  The offender had to run with the ball and the defender had to chase him and touch him before he placed the ball on the try line.  Straight after that we got straight into drills.  We did some drills that could be useful for us when we use it in a touch game.  Finally we got to play a game that we all enjoyed.  It was kinda like touch but there was three offenders and two defenders.  Finally the lesson was over.  Most of us were sweating and we were tired.  It was a great touch lesson also was a great day with the sun out.


Religious Education....

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Touch Reflection...

Touch Reflection

Today we had our second lesson of Touch.  I really enjoyed the touch lesson because we played a quick game of grid touch before we started learning some skills. One of the lessons we learned was how to get rid of two defenders, we just had to draw them in and pass the ball.  It was a skill that I found easy to learn.  It was a great touch lesson.  

Monday, September 7, 2015

Sacraments 2015...




These Sacraments consecrate people for the important roles of service in the life of the community.


The Sacraments enable people to become full members of the Church, committed to Christ and the carrying on his mission in the world as sons and daughters of God - whanau a Te Atua.


These Sacraments enable people to meet the Risen Christ bringing them healing - houhou rongo in mind, body and soul.

Tongan Language Week...

Last week was Tongan language week, me and my whole school dressed up in our own Tongan outfits.  We took a photo with our Principal Mr Coakley.  My class and I made Tongan food for lunch,  the food was nice.  It was great seeing everyone in their nice Tongan clothes.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Te Ahouruhuru...

This week in Maori me and my group read a story about Te Ahouruhuru.  This story was sad because  Te Ahouruhuru committed suicide because the husband called his friends over to see her naked body. When she woke up she was embarrassed. The next day she put on all her best jewellery and her best cloak. Then she went to a cliff near the village. She sang a song about her husband embarrassing her before jumping of the cliff.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Lectio Divina...

Today is the begining of term 3, I learnt about Lectio Divina in Religious Education.

Lectio Divina is a type of traditional prayer.
Lectio Divina is a prayer for reading.

This is a new way of praying for me, I also would like to do it more often.

Dear God,

Please help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me.

Friday, June 26, 2015

My Basic Facts Test...

Basic facts.png

Today in my basic facts test I did not do well because I took too long to finish it.
I also got more than half of my test right which was good. My goal for next time I will try my best to finish my Basic facts Test faster.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

My Virtue Tree...

In Religious Education today we made a virtue tree by using Google Draw. This was my Virtue tree that I have created. The virtue I chose was FRIENDLINESS.

Using Tidy Numbers.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My D.L.O

In R.E today we had to I made a Tagul Cloud with 5 important words to us. These were my words.

Friday, June 19, 2015

God Is.

This is what we did for R.E this week. We had to draw our hands and write what God is.
This is my Picture!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I am David.

David escape from concentration camp and is now looking for the thickest tree for the water bottle and the compass that the nameless man told him to go and look for.

Sunset Scene.

This term room 7 has been learning about Anzac. We Had to paint a sunset scene based on Anzac day. This is the silhouette that  I painted, as you can see that the background, I have the sunset and the earth.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Report on Jesus getting Baptised.

Sky Opening!
Image result for jesus getting baptised
On a calm and sunny afternoon  while Jesus was getting baptised the skies opened an a light was shining down. A dove flew down and stood upon Jesus shoulder. There was a voice that was heard and it said this is my son, whom I love with him I am well pleased. Some people say it was God from heaven and some people say aliens. A friend of Jesus named John the Baptist said it was God from Heaven.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Anzac Vocabulary.

Anzac Vocabulary.

Battle - Attack clash, war, bloodshed & Ravage.
Memorial - Remember, In tribute, celebration achieve & record.
Soldiers - Army, Warrior, Guard, Responsibilities & Officer.
Weapons - Bomb, Frag, Guns, Firearm & tear gas.
Poppy - Flower, Reminder, Remembering, Drug & Red.

Anzac Letter.

Dear friends we just had a lovely mass this sunny morning. We had a mass to celebrate the 100 year of Anzac day. We wore our poppies to mass. After mass we went to the grotto and stood around it. There were crosses in front of the grotto. We sang songs and some of the students had little readings to read also some of the classes read.  At the end of it we sang the National Anthem.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Farewell For Halamehi

Dear Halamehi,
Thank you for everything you have done for our school.
Thank you for serving breakfast every morning for us school kids.
Also I thank you for supporting us St Pius X students.
I really think you are and awesome role model for us young kids. I hope you enjoy your time at Australia like you did here.
I know for sure us St Pius X students will miss you so much.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hokulea Day.

On an lovely morning we got ready to go and welcome the Waka. Us seniors had to walk to Pt England and the Juniors got to catch a bus to Pt England. We started walking when the school bell rang.  When we arrived at the Pt England there were already schools from the cluster there.

When we got there  we sat  down. I was pleased that I got to sit down because I  was exhausted from the very long walk. When we sat down a lady  came to us and told us to etu which meant stand up in Maori. When we stood up we sang songs.

After we sang that song we sang the Waiata song. This song was the song Justin, Rachel, Pate and Lupe did the Haka. After that 3 students from Pt England, Got up and said a Speech.

We got the chance to shake the guests hands, it was a huge honour. We had to wait  for a while because Pt England school had a lot of children! When it was our turn we had to walk up and Hi Five the guests  but we fist bumped with some others.  

After that we were about to walk back to school until Mr Gaffney told us that there was a spear bus that we could go on. Then we had to walk back to the bus and we went back to school. Once we got to school we got to have our morning tea.